Aphorisms, the : Dee's Propaideumata Aforistika,
B.M. Lib. : British Museum.
C.R. : Dee's Compendious Rehersall
(in Chetham Misc. I. 1851).
Diary, the : The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee
Ed. Halliwell 1842.
F.R.D. : Dee's Famous and Rich Discoveries (M.S.)
G.A. : Robert Recorde's Grounde of Artes (1543) etc.
G.R.M. : Dee's General and Rare Memorials pertayning to
the perfect art of Navigation 1576.
H.L.B. : Huntington Library Bulletin.
H.L.Q. : Huntington Library Quarterly.
J.H.I. : Journal of the History of Ideas.
Monas, the : Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica 1563.
N.Q. : Notes and Queries.
Preface, the : Dee's preface to the English Euclid 1570.
R.C.P. Lib. : Library of the Royal College of Physicians.
T.F.R. : A True and Faithful Relation of what passed...
between Dr. Dee....and some spirits.
Ed. M. Casaubon 1659.
T.I.S. : Cudworth's True Intellectual System of the Universe.
(1743 ed.)