From this letter it is evident that Dee wishes his friends in England to believe that he and his partner have already found the hidden secret, but he wraps his words in due mystery, and it is impossible to say exactly when Kelly first professed to have made, and when he induced his partner to believe that he actually had made, the gold on which his heart was set. That Dee's heart was equally fixed on the discovery is indisputable, but from what a different cause!

"To ye Rt. Hon S Fr. Walsingham Knt, her most excellent Ma Principal Secretary my singular good Fr and Patron with speed.

"Right Honorable Sir,

"Albeit I have almost in vain come a hundred miles (from Prague to this Leipsic Mart) hoping either to meet my servant there with answer to my former letters, sent in November last to her Majesty (when also I wrote unto your honour and others). And so with speed from this Leipsick to have sent again most speedily, as occasion should have served. and now I find neither servant neither letter from him, neither word of mouth, yet all this notwithstanding; and whatsoever the hindrance or delay hereof may be (whether the keeping back of my letters from her her Majesty, or the manifold and important most weighty affairs public hindring or delaying her Majesty's most gracious discreet and wise resolution herein. Or what other occasion else hath and doth cause this long and wonderful delay of answer receiving); all this notwithstanding, I thought good before I set up my coach to write, and most humbly to salute your honour very faithfully, dutifully and sincerely, with great and the same good will that my Letter some years since written to your Honour (but then a stumbling block unto your Honour and others for the strangeness of the phrases therein) doth pretend. So it is, right Honorable, that the merciful providence of the Highest, declared in his great and abundant graces upon me, and mine, is so wonderful and mighty, that very few, unless they be present witnesses, can believe the same. Therefore how hard they are to be believed there, where all my life and doings were construed to a contrary sense, and processe of death contrived and decreed against the Innocent, who cannot easily judge?

"I am forced to be brief. That which England suspected, was also here, for these two years almost, secretly in doubt, in question, in consultation, Imperial and Royal, by Honourable Espies; fawning about me and by others discoursed upon, pryed and peered into. And at length both the chief Romish power and Imperial dignity are brought to that point resolutely that partly they are sorry of their so late reclaiming their erroneous judgment against us and of us, and seek means to deal with us so as we might favour both the one and the other; and partly to Rome is sent, for as great authority and power as can be devised; and likewise here all other means and wayes contrived, how by force or for feare they may make us glad to follow their humours. But all in vain, for force human we fear not, as plainly and often I have to the Princes declared. And otherwise than in pure verity and godlinesse we will not favour any (my words may seem very marvellous in your Honours ears, but mark the end, we have had, and shall have, to deal with no babes). I have full oft, and upon many of their requests and questions, referred myself to her Majesties answer thus in vain expected. Nuncius Apostolicus Germanicus Malaspina, after his year's suit to be acquainted with me, at length had such his answer that he is gone to Rome with a flea in his eare, that disquieteth him and terrifieth the whole state Romish and Jesuitical. Secretly they threaten us violent death, and openly they fawn upon us. We know the Sting of Envy and the fury of fear in tyrannical minds, what desperate attempts they have and do often undertake. But the God of Heaven and Earth is our Light, Leader and Defender. To the World's end, his mercies upon us will breed his praises Honour and glory. Thus much, very rhapsodically yet faithfully, tanquam dictum sapienti, I thought good to commit to the safe and speedy conveyance of a young merchant here called Lawrence Overton, which if it come to your Honours hand before my Servant have left his despatch, I may by your honor be advertised. Your Honour is sufficient from her Majesty to deal and proceed with me, if it be thought food. But if you make a Council Table Case of it, Quot homines, tot sententioe. And my Commission from above is not so large: Qui potest capere, capiat."

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