Barnabas having proved so unreliable, he rejoiced ast having found another skryer. The one accessory wanting, when all the table and seals were comlete, was a "shewstone." Dee seems already to have owned several. He had used a crystal before this time, but a new one was desirable. One evening, towards sunset, a little child angel appears standing in the sunbeams from the western window of the study, holding in its hand a thing "most bright, most clere and clorius, of the bigness of an egg." Michael with his fiery sword appeared and bade Dee "Go forward, take it up, and let no mortall hand touch it but thine own."

Michael tells them, too, that he and Kelly are to be joined in the holy work, united as if one man. But one is to be master, the other minister; one the hand, the other the finger. They are to be contented with their calling, for vessels are not all of one bigness, yet all can be full. Dee is reminded that all his knowledge is "more wonderful than profitable, unless thou art led to a true use of the same."

Another spirit, Medicus Dei, or Medecina, says, "Great are the purposes of him whose medecine I carry," and on one of the early march days utters some remarkable words on the precious doctrine ofthe universality of the Light: -

"Your voices are but shadows of the voices that understand all things. The things you look on because you see them not indeed, you also do name amiss...

"We are fully understanding. We open the eyes from the sun in the morning to the sun at night. Distance is nothing withus, unless it be the distance which separateth the wicked from His mercy. Secrets there arenone, but that are buried in the shaddow of man's sould....Iniquitie shall not range where the fire of his piercing judgment and election doth light."

Calvin had been dead but twenty years, but with his scheme of election and eternal reprobation Dee had no affinity. His mind was far more in harmony with the ancient hermetic teaching that medicine, healing, was the true road to all philosophy.

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